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What would you do without a car?

New research reveals that – even in today’s ever-connected world with its growing array of transportation options – the car remains king. There are millions of auto accidents each year** and the average rental for an accident is almost 2 weeks. Enterprise asked drivers what they would do without access to a vehicle for an extended period of time.

The Enterprise replacement program was designed to take care of you when your vehicle has been damaged in an accident or weather-related event.

More than one-third (34%) of U.S. drivers say they drive an average of 3-4 places per day.

Less than 4 in 10 are familiar with Rental Reimbursement Coverage, which pays for the cost of a rental when your vehicle is in the shop.

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Among millennials, one of the biggest barriers to obtaining rental car reimbursement coverage may be the fact that they view it as an “ADULTING” activity.

Adulting is hard. While it makes them feel responsible and accomplished, nearly 2 out of 3 millennials say they procrastinate as often as possible.

Adding rental reimbursement coverage is easy and you can add it to your existing insurance policy at any time. It typically costs less than a day of rental.
Call your agent today and ask them to add rental reimbursement coverage.

What If...

If they lost access to their car for 2 weeks, 52% of millennials would be forced to beg friends and family for rides.

Without a car, millennials would go to extremes. They would rather go without social media, lose an hour of sleep or skip a meal each day.

Begging is uncomfortable, especially if you are bumming rides or asking to drive a friend or family member’s car for weeks. 51% of drivers say this makes them feel awkward and 35% feel anxious.

* The survey was conducted online within the United States by Atomik Research, an independent market research agency, between July 13 and 16, 2017, among 1,046 American drivers over the age of 21. Margin of error is +/- 3.9%. Research conducted was in accordance with Market Research Association guidelines and regulations.